Friday, January 9, 2009

Heard Recently Inna Biiiig Dushanbe

Surayo says "prosnulas'." That's Russian. Mommy says "wake." Dat's English.

Anya had a bwess. [= Anya sneezed -- and someone said "bless you."]

Baba Yaga has a yucky nose. [That New Year's yolka in the Mayakovsky lobby really made an impression.]

Snow goes "crunch!". Like an apple. In your mouth. Not with your toes and your feet. 'Cuz that would be dirty. And silly. And turkey-lurkey.

That was a present for Annika. [About a present given in honor of the Festival of Lights. And after some attempt at explanation from Mommy...] Hanukkah is Jake's mommy. [Usually followed by a groan and shrug of the shoulders from Mommy.]

Novyi gott [Russian for New Year's, complete with unvoiced "d" at the end of words, just like the Russian speakers do it.]

How you say bus in Russian? You say "trolleibus (twayay-booss)," and you say "avtobus (aftoh-booss)." Dat's Russian!

Marina says "ty khochesh' chornye shuziki?" [= "want black 'shoesies'?"; a very correct memory, indeed]

[While putting pants or tights on] "Pull 'em up!" (...Surayo says "podnimai")

Want li'l bit of nonn! [= naan, Tajik flatbread. Also frequently heard: the Russian word for flatbread, "lepyoshka."]

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